
I Missed You

All the list luv is back after a summer hiatus! Lots of goodies to come.

For now, lists that haunted my life over the summer:

obsessively making very obvious and embarrassing lists mostly revolving around food. What will I pack for lunch, what can I bring along with me, what will I eat for breakfast. These are almost a little bit too hard for me to release to the internet. Stickies on Dashboard feed the flame!


Yellow Lilly said...

Seems like this summer you ate a lot of eggmuffins,ceral, and whatever for breakfast!

Yellow Lilly said...

Oh, and p.s. I've got a list of winter break goals going in my head, but where do I put them down, my ical or paper? And if I know there going to be posted on the internet will that change how I make them? help me list log.

Lauren said...

i put my stuff in like three different places. google calendar which forwards to my ical, a planner, and miscellaneous lists.


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