
My Listing Habits

Lately I've been subscribing to the whole Getting Things Done phenomenon that is taking the blog world by storm. There are a lot of great blogs out there with tons of information and tips related to productivity, creativity, GTD, organization and more. For a great roundup of the top blogs of this nature, click here >>>

So how does this relate to listing? Well, in using this new system, I find myself wanting to do a lot of "brain dumps". This requires me to empty my brain and then process and categorize the items. Only problem is, I'm also trying to unclutter my life. SO, I've been using a freeware called Actiontastic. This allows me to make a lot of lists and get everything out of my head without generating extra garbage.

This takes some getting used to. When I empty my head into the computer program, it doesn't feel as satisfying as a physical, written list. When I'm really stressed, the only thing that makes my brain actually feel less crazy is writing a real list in a little notebook with pen!

I still recommend Actiontastic, though!

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